HI! I AM Lucas Carneiro
I'm passionate about technology, I love solving complex problems with lines of code, I'm always looking for what's new and keeping myself updated
As a Full Stack developer focused on Front End I have been working with Web development since 2016, during this period I participated in building and maintaining several applications from different segments, financial, educational, and e-commerce. In that time as a developer, I've constantly been challenged to learn new technologies and generate good results quickly. My primary stack is Javascript | TypeScript, React, NextJs, Jest, RecoilJs, Apollo, GRAPHQL | REST, and NodeJs, at the moment I've been studying Docker, CI/CD, and AWS.
Object Edge is a consulting company. I have experience working on international projects that primarily use English as the language of communication. Specifically, I have been involved in two projects. The first project involved partnering with several mechanical stores to create an e-commerce platform for automotive parts. This project has been successful, with a large number of products registered and a partnership established with Bosch Brazil. The second project involved working with the sales team to configure service packages for high-value internet equipment.
Technologies used: JavaScript | TypeScript, Reactjs, NextJs, RecoilJS, Jest, GRAPHQL, GIT, Storybook, Styled Components | Emotion, GIT, HTML5, CSS | SASS.
Mooveon is a Software House. I was responsible for creating new Front End applications following prototypes in Figma and delivering the best solutions.
Technologies used: C#, .NET MVC, SQL, GIT, JavaScript | TypeScript, Reactjs, Styled Components, Jquery, HTML5, CSS | SASS
Unina is a distance-learning college. I worked mainly in maintaining and creating new modules of the Internal system and college student environment.
Technologies used: C#, .NET MVC, DDD, SQL, GIT, JavaScript, AngularJS, VueJS, Jquery, HTML5, CSS
N&J Partners Consultoria was the technology arm of a company that managed investment funds. I participated in refactoring the old system, ensuring high availability during the day, security in transactions and reliability in the values of large financial transactions.
Technologies used: C#, .NET MVC, DDD, SQL, GIT, JavaScript, AngularJS, Jquery, HTML5, CSS
Deal is a consulting company. Allocated to clients, I participated in the creation and maintenance of an online vehicle auction.
Technologies used: C#, .NET MVC, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML5, CSS
Serdia is an electronic board manufacturing company. Web development with PHP and support to the company's ERP users through internal and external calls.
Technologies used: PHP, SQL, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML5, CSS
Ibolt sys is a Software House. Web development using PHP and Desktop with Filemaker, also supporting users of the company's systems.
Technologies used: Used Technologies: PHP, SQL, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML5, CSS